Enemies aimbotting you? restrict their turn arcs. Every enemy feels the same? Distribute some new spells and perks to differentiate them. The best thing to do is identify the core issues you have with Skyrim's combat and install mods that resolve those issues.

Where this falls apart is when you start trying to jam whole new genres into Skyrim, like a rhythm game like Dark Souls or an action platformer like Legend of Zelda - both great titles and very different from what Skyrim brings to the table. With certain, more limited, features this works - for example, I'm not going to be critical of someone wanting to try a play through with the Witcher's toxicity function on potions or D&D's magic system. The Mimics might be even worse, seeing another AAA title whose combat they like and start trying to jam it into Skyrim. The Treasure Hunters see all of the cool mods and jump from shiny feature to shiny feature, adding a bit of this, a bit of that until they have a really cool looking game that barely runs, let alone with anything resembling cohesion. You have two big camps that typically dominate this kind of discussion: the Treasure Hunters and the Mimics. Users are so dumb when it comes to combat mods. Thanks for reading, what are your thoughts on the topic, opinions, objections, recommendations for other mods, are all welcome!

Believe me I do not expect to have spotless smooth parkour in Skyrim, in fact id advise against trying to implement parkour into Skyrim, but id love to be able to have a faster combat, whilst still keeping it balanced, so that me and the enemies I am fighting are on an even playing field. Dying light is fun, engaging, and has action packed combat. I'd rather a mod that makes Skyrims combat a little more like that of dying light. Darks souls is dark souls, die, rinse, repeat format. I wish everything wasn't geared towards making this game like dark souls. I would love, LOVE, to find a mod that actually focuses on tweaking combat, rather than making it more of a headache. So far the most seamless and balanced one I have found is mortal enemies, witch isn't even a combat overhaul its more like an ai improvement. So that's my big gripe with most combat overhauls. Stamina management can be key to a engaging combat experience, yes, but running out of it within 5 seconds, and waiting 3 minutes to finishing a fight to only regenerate it at the end of the battle is hardly fun. I love the idea of timed block, an occasional stagger is okay, but most of theses mods have insane stamina imbalances, meaning I don't regenerate stamina much in combat at all. However, no matter how much I try, I always seem to end up getting my butt handed to me on a lance because the game just ends up so imbalanced. They are all well made mods, and a extremely customizable. I've tried smilodon, wildcat, deadly dragons, ultimate combat (briefly.