
Gta san andreas sequel
Gta san andreas sequel

gta san andreas sequel

  • After the download is done, finish the installation and play the game.
  • Finish the purchase and you will be able to download the digital copy onto your PC.
  • Click on the number of copies you want to purchase and then click on - Add to Basket > Proceed to checkout.
  • This will take you over to another page with the Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas game option along with its price.
  • Upon clicking on it, a dropdown menu will show up.
  • On the left-hand side, there will be a panel of BUY NOW under the game title.
  • Head over to the official website of Rockstar Games and search for GTA San Andreas.
  • To download this game in a legal way (which is how it should always be done), you need to download and install the steam platform, or alternatively purchase and download it from the official Rockstar Games website. Follow the step-by-step tutorial to install GTA San Andreas on PC:

    Gta san andreas sequel